Illuminati And The First Commandment

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God’s commandments are rules given to Moses to be obeyed by the Israelites and entire of the Christian community for them to realize a greater good unending glory. The first Commandment of God which is the greatest of all is:”Thou shall not have strange Gods before me.” This is a command to the humanity from God and has been entirely ignored by many people who do not quite understand the ways of Jesus Christ.  The commandment warns against offering other forms of gods a supreme worship that should only be provided to the only one true God. Under this commandment, a believer is supposed to not only cease worshiping other forms but also learn how to worship the true God who is the creator. Worshipping God requires acts of faith, charity, and hope. During worship, a person is supposed to adore and pray to the Lord for any needs they want Him to fulfill for them. Faith requires striving to find out what God has revealed, openly professing our faith, and also believing in what He has revealed. The Bible enlarges our memory and always reminds us to remember the Lord our God. The overall goal of the scriptures is to improve our relationship with God and other people and to fill our souls with God’s faith.  For eternal and immortality life, we should utilize Jesus’ Gospel in our lives and have faith that matures in us when we witness Holy Spirit in our souls. To safeguard one's faith, an individual should frequently show acts of faith, live a real life, understand the concepts of Christianity and never to associate with enemies of Christianity. A Christian should not read or watch materials that oppose the Church and the Bible’s teachings.  

On the other hand, hope obliges Christians to trust firmly in God. Despite the troubling times, all our hopes should be of God for us to conform to His first Commandment. A feeling of security and a better future is attained through the reading of the Scriptures.  The word of God gives Christians hope as a gift of the Holy Spirit (Psalm 119:49). All our plans are monitored by God who has promised his believers a prosperous and a secure future life. Different hopes in life are the ones acting as a driving force. The powers include earthly desires that individuals yearn for and once promised by the Illuminati; they join the secrecy to try their luck of success. The other element of the first commandment is charity. Being charitable requires individuals to love God who created them more than anything or anyone else in the universe. Love of God should be unconditional and abundant just like He loves us. However, the scriptures also instruct Christians to love their neighbors with the same as the extent of love they like themselves. The Illuminism fails to uphold all these aspects of the first commandment of God hence the practice should be condemned by all Christians. For instance, Illuminati doesn’t depict love to their neighbors if all their efforts target at controlling the universe with no consideration of the impacts of that on the society.      

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GradShark (2023). Illuminati and the First Commandment. GradShark.

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