Globally, discriminations against race and the consequent complications associated with it are a significant threat to universal peace and unity. Racial discrimination is the act of treating an individual or group of people less favorably compared to others in similar situations because of their color, race, ethnic origin or nationality. A race-based worldview, which has led to discrimination of people based on their phenotypic characteristics, causes the victims bitterness, anger, anxiousness, psychological pain, fear, hatred, low self-esteem conflicts and sometimes leads to violence. Therefore, there is a universal compulsion to oppose this form of discrimination through all possible channels, institutions, and governing systems. Different people have come up with distinct opinions while responding to the issue of racial discrimination. Some people argue that the minorities who are the victims of racism should not blame the superior groups but concentrate on strategizing on how to empower themselves. The most common anti-racism initiatives include education, open communication between leaders and citizens of different ethnicity, policies, movements, laws, beliefs, and efforts adopted to oppose manifestation of racism. Interracial marriage occurs when two individuals come together and marry despite their ethical background. This study evaluates how interracial marriage can contribute towards curbing racial discrimination in different regions of the world today. The study also analysis the development of intermarriages, the challenges, and impacts it has on racial discrimination over time.
In the Bible, opposing of interracial marriage is seen when one of the involved parties is not a believer. Christians contemplating marriage should be prayerful and consider the consequences of their marriage on their cultural contexts, future children, family relationships and the entire society. In the book of Deuteronomy, Israelites are directed to destroy inhabitants of the land of Canaan and refrain from intermarrying with them because they were wicked. In this context, the barrier towards interracial marriage is not based on the skin color or ethnicity but rather the religious faith. It is, therefore, a sin for a Christian to marry a non-believer since they are worshippers of false gods. For example, Solomon’s judgment was for marrying a woman who believed in false gods and not for marrying a foreigner. Prohibitions and isolation of the Gentiles in the Old Testament is very clear. These prohibitions against the Gentiles were because they did not believe in the Christian God. Provisions were made to allow conversions of the Gentiles into Judaism even in the Old Testament. Acceptance of Rahab and Ruth, Gentile women, into the believers’ community shows the idea of conversion to Christianity before interacting with the believers whether through marriage or socially. It’s very clear in the Bible that God doesn’t judge humans by external characteristics but the spiritual faith. Interaction with people who are not Christians is not prohibited in the world today. Possible marriages are even encouraged where the spread of Christian faith is intended, and this leads to the perception of God as being universal.