People are always frightened and fascinated by the secret societies of the world. The most infamous of all is the Illuminati which is a core of conspiracies spanning the entire globe. Since 1770, rumors and conspiracies involving Illuminati have greatly spread, and details of the former members have been offered by some people on social platforms. Some of this information about Illuminati is baseless and hence just tales. A lot of existing theories suggest what the secret society supposedly is and does, expressing its goals, membership, symbols, methods of achieving Illuminati’s plans and the scope of the universe. Some of the asserted practices of the Illuminati raise the question: whether it is possible to gain fame through one's soul sacrifice? The expressed concerns of the integration of Illuminati in the sports, music, TV shows and a belief that celebrities rely on Illuminati’s norms requires proof to determine whether it’s true or just a mere speculation. People suggest that Illuminati rules the world behind scenes and are involved in decision making worldwide. According to numerous researches on this topic, Illuminati are said to own global oil-businesses, international banks and most of other prominent businesses, they are, therefore, the ones that control prices on the world market and hence controls most the activities in different countries.
Due to a large amount of attention directed towards Illuminati, many distractions, misinformation and propaganda are being spread. Fingers are being pointed to almost everyone successful as to be members of the supposedly cult practice. Most of these rumors and ill talks about certain individuals to have gained wealth and fame as a result of them joining the secret society need a critical analysis. Suspected people include movie stars, entertainers, some politicians and music artists whose work is said to employ symbols from the ancient Bavarian Illuminati. Most scholars have tried to determine whether these are a link to the modern Illuminati or are just used as part of the old artistic work and symbolism. Pointing fingers to some individuals has caused the harm since the secret society is unanimously becoming unpopular.