Introduction of Agency
The Martin Pollack Project Inc. is a nonprofit making Licensed Child Placement Agency in Maryland and the District of Columba. The agency serves more than 150 children and adolescents in the Washington DC and Central Maryland region through the foster care, independent living, and Project North Star tutoring and mentoring programs (The Martin Pollack Project Inc., 2015). The agency acknowledges the human nature of any child referred to them first before considering that they should receive the services of this particular program. Since its inception in 1980, MPPI has always provided comprehensive care for the youth who have been absorbed into the foster care system with a variety of needs.
The agency mission and vision is dedicated to enhancing the lives of the families and children it serves, by building on their unique strengths and by developing community and helping to establish productive and fulfilling lives. Each child is born with and entitled to specific rights which can never be taken away from them. If anything, each child is entitled to shelter, clothing, and love in a normal surrounding. Besides, a family and community are very pertinent to a child’s growth as they support their interaction and shape them up. The goal and objective are achieved through a family-centered and family-centered approach based on the Enriched Structural Family Therapy Model. This Model focuses on family empowerment involving the foster family, the biological family, and the kinship network. (The Martin Pollack Project Inc., 2015).
Background of the Agency
The program being proposed is the Young Adult’s Initiative Independent Living Program (YAI). It majors on individualized and community-oriented youth development program that deals with the youth between the ages of 16 and 21. Through a partnership with the Martin Pollack Project, Inc.’s continuum of services, YAI provides a range of services for the children and their families. Some of the services include support services as well as housing. All these are aimed at inducing autonomy into these young adults and making them grow holistically into self-sufficient adults as they exit school.
The Martin Pollack Project is made up of Chief Executive Officer, Executive Assistant, and a Chief Financial Officer, who doubles up as the Chief Operations Officer. Besides, there is the Director of Independent Living Services, Comptroller, Director of Foster Parent Services & Training, and the Director of Treatment Foster Care – Maryland. Other key personnel include Supervisor - Treatment Foster Care Program, Supervisor - Treatment Foster Care Program, Supervisor - Treatment Foster Care Program, Intake, and Assessment Coordinator.
Quarterly evaluation is always conducted at Martin Pollack TFC. This inspection was completed by the Office of Licensing and Monitoring (OLM). During the investigation, this office reviewed foster parent records. The results of this examination are contained in the attachment Evaluation Report and No Code of Maryland Evaluation Regulation violation was identified.
Agency Program
The agency offers the various program such as the Young Adult`s Initiative Independent Living program, Child and Biological Family Project, Foster Parent Services Department, Individualized Child Achievement Program (ICAP), and Treatment Foster Care Program (TFC) (The Martin Pollack Project Inc., 2015). These young men and women do not have anybody to raise them independently or teach them how to be adults, and this leads them to have serious issues. Some of the problems they are facing are severe mental health, educational deficits, and biological family issues, housing instability, unemployment, substance abuse, behavioral issues, violent trauma history and juvenile justice problems. Young Adult`s Initiative Independent Living program (YAI) was introduced to advocate for this select group of the population to live comfortably in the society. Most of these services already listed above have shown greater positive impacts on the lives of these young adults.
The prime intention of the program is to admit and induct foster family and plunk a young person into their homes. The goal is achieved through a strength based, family- centered, and community- focused approach based on the Enriched Structure Family Therapy Model. MPPI’s goal and the objective are to build families and strengthen communities. The goal is achieved through a strengths-based, family-centered, community-focused approach based on the Enriched Structural Family Therapy Model. This Model focuses on family empowerment involving the foster family, the biological family, and the kinship network (The Martin Pollack Project Inc., 2015).
The young men and women were thought to be responsible adults in the society. They are believed to know how to follow patterns. In their home, individualized life skills training was provided to help the young men and women to be able to do house cleaning, meal preparation, budgeting and money management, interpersonal relationships, physical health and personal wellness hygiene, transportations and sustainable housing. Job readiness. They learn how to follow rules. The agency helps them to get health insurance set up so that when they age out of the foster home they will get their insurance.