The Student Loan Crisis In America Is Fixable; Australia Did It, So America Can

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The increasing expensive cost of education in America is forcing learners into decades of debt, and legitimizing the existence of for-profit schools. According to Diana Edwards, as of the year 2015, an average student at the college level owed over $35,000 in student loans which took them more than 17 years to clear ( ). The issue continues to be the mother of problems bedevilling the American Education systems, thus, necessitating the need for a quicker remedial action. On the overall, the incessantly rising student debt rates have devastating impacts on the learners and the economy; slowing the growth of the economy and changing the rate of prosperity of these young adults after their education. However, two major solutions that have been proposed before includes scrapping off tuition fees and prioritization of the basic needs.

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GradShark (2023). The Student Loan Crisis in America is Fixable; Australia did it, so America Can. GradShark.

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